Thursday, October 30, 2008

Office passtime??

Ok,.. Lemme not start this blog by declaring how long it has been....skipping that bit,..

Isnt it amazing that we humans can sit through meetings and meetings and not arrive at a decision. Well I am convinced we can, and even more convinced that this kind of thing can also happen every day! To put in the most simplest way, the corporate world should have laws against holding more than two meetings a day and not more than 5 a week!

Imagine one such discussion:
speaker 1: "So where did we stop last time?"
speaker 2: "we were discussing plan A, .........and I was thinking we could go about it this way"
speaker 3: silence
speaker 4: "yeah it is a good plan....
speaker 1: "Yes, i agree it sounds good, but why dont we do it this way as well....."
speaker 2: "But dont you think that is very difficult in terms of implementation...."
speaker 3: silence
speaker 4: Nods in unison
speaker 5: "Hey guys, sorry I am late......"
speaker 2: "Well we were just dicsussing how to implement plan A,....and this is how it is gonna
speaker 3: "I agree"
speaker 4: silence
speaker 1:" Even if that sounds good,... somehow i feel the other idea of mine is quite
speaker 3: i think i am gonna scream
speaker 2: "ok" whatever!
speaker 5:"Guys, there is this Plan B that i have...."
speaker 4: "excuse me guys, I just got a call,... carry on"jesus! What a waste of time!
speaker 2: "I like X part about Plan A but I also like Y part of plan B, can we kinda merge them ?"
speaker 1:"But i thought we had finalised on Plan A.... But.... "
speaker 5: who cares about you , loser "yeah you were sayin... which part of Plan B did you not
speaker 3: " Are we not moving away from the topic?.."
speaker 2: "Not really ,.. i think plan B is kinda good. Plan A is also ok"
speaker 1:" No guys,.. I 'll tell u something,.. look at it this way,.."
speaker 5: "Ok, I'll tell u wat. Lets meet again tomo and discuss the pros and cons of both the
plans, then weshall take a call"
speaker 3: wow. this beats rocketscience!?!
speaker 2: damn, i cant leave early tomo too!
speaker 1: that prick, tomo i am gonna kick his ass!
speaker 5: i need to leave before that DVD store closes....

now this is an office reality or what!?
ok, a lil exagerrated. but wat the hell!! They are still bad. Aaaaarrggghhh!


  1. well i dont have a job that pays but meetings are over rated...sometimes my husband attends 5 meetings in a day only to be back at work on a weekend to reach conclusions that could not be made earlier.could efficiency in work places improve if there was a law that dictates how many meetings a week per project?!

  2. Six thinking hats - edward borno. It tells you how to conduct meetings. Normal meetings that take a day can be closed effectively in 2 hours.
    The managers and the senior managers have only one means to stay connected with the teams. Call for a meeting and eat into the teams production time. If you look into the MOM you will find only 30% meetings have genuine take aways


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