Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The New Year post

Dear 2012,

Selfish as it may sound, please be kind and see to it that I do ALL of the below. Pretty, Please?

1. Give this space a new look & feel (Done - check!)
2. Write regularly.
3. Read much more.
4. I DO NOT lose my phone or my wallet.
5. Exercise more. After this vacation, I really have to! :0
6. Drive without getting more dents.
7. Master the art of Perception Management at work.
8. Go out and meet more people.
9. Volunteer for some social work.
10. Travel more, shop less (Bandra does not count :P)
11. Explore Mumbai, a little farther. More road trips.
12. Cook more pasta.
13. Once in a while, practice the art of doing nothing. It does not hurt!
14. Errrr… Just in case you believe that 13 is an unlucky number.

I may whine now and then, act spaced out, and also feign laziness. Btw I also suffer from mood swings which may not be so pleasant. But no matter what, please make sure you shake me up, real HARD so that I snap out and get moving.

That’s all for now, I guess.

Also, please could you give 2011 one more hug from my side for being so splendid. I can never thank her enough!

Ps: Writing like a 13 year old is not such a bad thing afterall!


  1. Hey, how come Bandra doesn't count? ;) Do write more. I like it when people write more :D

  2. Bandra should be allowed, c'mon! That place is therapeutic! :)
    Yep, another post coming rt up! Thanks for stopping by!


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